VARAVON. Initially I got very excited about this one. It certainly looks nice a glossy; nice looking parts and loads of logos. Lens rings also look really nice. This unit features adjustable hard stops and quick release system. Like other VARAVON gear it is expensive, but is it actually any good. After looking at it for bid I realized some parts look very familiar. The focus knob and more importantly the gearbox are exactly the same as ones found in a very cheap RJ follow focus. Now RJ is not terrible FF, the one I’ve tried actually had very little play, but RJ is a budget unit and priced accordingly. This makes me wonder it this VARAVON FF is actually more or less an RJ unit, but dressed up to look high-end. After all, the most important part of the FF is the gearbox, all glossy stickers and nice adjustment knobs are pointless if the gearbox is crap. The RJ gearbox is not the worst, but would you pay 5 times more for glossy stickers and fancy knobs? I certainly wouldn’t. It is possible that the VARAVON FF has a different gearbox, but I highly doubt it, it looks the same and the focus knob once again confirms that this FF is based on RJ. Check out the images below to make our own mind up.
Today I found a new FF on eBay. It’s a new follow focus from My conclusion is that VARAVON is a complete rip off. I'm sure they will sell loads of these because they look good, but they are definitely not worth the money. You will be be better off with RJ, or some other FF.
Check out my Follow Focus Buyer's Guide for some of the best deals on eBay (by the way all cheaper than VARAVON).
Check out my Follow Focus Buyer's Guide for some of the best deals on eBay (by the way all cheaper than VARAVON).