Today. I’ve noticed 2 new Follow Focuses on Ebay at ridiculously low price, about the same as the very popular Fotga and RJ units.
The new ones I found come from India, rather than China, where I usually except to find the cheapest gear.
Both are sold by the filmcity23 shop, which sells a lot of gear usually found in other India based Ebay shops, but also some exclusive stuff like these 2 follow focus units.
So let me go through these units individually:
The new ones I found come from India, rather than China, where I usually except to find the cheapest gear.
Both are sold by the filmcity23 shop, which sells a lot of gear usually found in other India based Ebay shops, but also some exclusive stuff like these 2 follow focus units.
So let me go through these units individually:

1: FF-110 – This one doesn’t carry the Filmcity name and looks quite generic, but there are some nice points & accessories that potentially makes this FF one a best deals on Ebay.
The FF-110 comes with loads of extras, including as speed crank, whip, set of 6 lens gears (my favorite) and even 1 flexible lens gear (very popular). You won’t get so many extras with one of cheap Chinese alternative, so this really improves the value for money you get with this unit. A set of 6 lens gears would set you back £50-£60 to buy separately. A whip & a speed crank would cost another £30-£40, so you could say, you get this FF for free.
This follow focus has Huco gearbox. This one used to be quite a popular gearbox, and could be found in Redrock, Camtree and Gini FFs. A lot of people claim that this is not such a good gearbox, but I’m still using my Camtree FF to this day, because I find that its gearbox has the least play out of all budget FFs I’ve tried, so I don’t thing Huco gearbox is the worst choice to go for. One of the nice advantages of Huco over some fancier looking, integrated gearboxes is that it can be reversed to work properly with Canon and Nikon lenses (which focus into different direction).
Overall I think it is probably quite a decent follow focus and for the price it is probably the best value for money FF currently available on eBay. It would make a perfect first FF even is not quite perfect, although I think it should be quite decent. Also, all the accessories that you get with it can be used with any FF, so if you decide to upgrade you won’t have to invest into a new set of accessories.
The FF-110 comes with loads of extras, including as speed crank, whip, set of 6 lens gears (my favorite) and even 1 flexible lens gear (very popular). You won’t get so many extras with one of cheap Chinese alternative, so this really improves the value for money you get with this unit. A set of 6 lens gears would set you back £50-£60 to buy separately. A whip & a speed crank would cost another £30-£40, so you could say, you get this FF for free.
This follow focus has Huco gearbox. This one used to be quite a popular gearbox, and could be found in Redrock, Camtree and Gini FFs. A lot of people claim that this is not such a good gearbox, but I’m still using my Camtree FF to this day, because I find that its gearbox has the least play out of all budget FFs I’ve tried, so I don’t thing Huco gearbox is the worst choice to go for. One of the nice advantages of Huco over some fancier looking, integrated gearboxes is that it can be reversed to work properly with Canon and Nikon lenses (which focus into different direction).
Overall I think it is probably quite a decent follow focus and for the price it is probably the best value for money FF currently available on eBay. It would make a perfect first FF even is not quite perfect, although I think it should be quite decent. Also, all the accessories that you get with it can be used with any FF, so if you decide to upgrade you won’t have to invest into a new set of accessories.

2: Filmcity X1 - this actually carries Filmcity name on the side and inside the focus knob; nice touch and this FF certainly looks more exciting than FF-110. The X1 has nice, bright red aluminum parts, including what looks like a 360 degree adjustable pointer (looks the same like my Camtree), knob at the bottom (again the same as Camtree) and the accessory port. Unlike camtree though, this FF has a different gearbox, one of them fancy integrated ones, that I’m not really familiar and I don’t actually think it can be reversed, which is a bit alarming (the reason I sold my Trusmt FF, which would focus properly with Canon lenses). However if this is anything like Chinese FFs it will work fine with Canon lenses. The nice touch of this gearbox is that it has 2 gears of different sizes on each side of the gearbox. This means you will not have any problems using this FF with smaller lenses like 50mm or most of the vintage manual photography lenses which are usually really small. Another nice touch is the removable magnetic marking disc. Although not something that I usually need, but can be a useful feature.
This Follow Focus comes with a Whip and 1 Flexible Lens gear, which is not as great deal as the FF-110, but will be enough to get you started right away. A whip is worth around £20 if bought separately, so it is still a great deal if you need one as you won’t get one with cheap Chinese units.
Again, I think this follow focus offer a great value for money, you certainly won’t find anything much cheaper, especially with a whip. I’m personally really interested in this FF. It has a lot of point I like in my Camtree FF and a gearbox, which might or might not be better than Huco. Very interesting, you might see me reviewing this one pretty soon, for this price I wouldn’t be risking much.
This Follow Focus comes with a Whip and 1 Flexible Lens gear, which is not as great deal as the FF-110, but will be enough to get you started right away. A whip is worth around £20 if bought separately, so it is still a great deal if you need one as you won’t get one with cheap Chinese units.
Again, I think this follow focus offer a great value for money, you certainly won’t find anything much cheaper, especially with a whip. I’m personally really interested in this FF. It has a lot of point I like in my Camtree FF and a gearbox, which might or might not be better than Huco. Very interesting, you might see me reviewing this one pretty soon, for this price I wouldn’t be risking much.

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Click to find this item on Ebay